EU Projects

Originally Croatian label for utility, and decorative design objects made of stone

On 21.01.2021. The Ministry of the Economy and Sustainable Development awarded a voucher to the company Jakšić galerija d.o.o. The voucher refers to the award of grants for the Call for Proposals “QUALITY SIGNS” for the implementation of the project entitled “Originally Croatian label for utility, and decorative design objects made of stone.” Date 08.04.2021. The Croatian Chamber of Commerce decides on granting the right to use the sign “Originally Croatian – Croatian Creation” to the company Jakšić galerija d.o.o. for two product lines: Stone Flowers and Modular Candle Holders

  • Stone flowers / A product that has become a recognizable symbol of the long tradition of gallery work and design in stone. Special attention is paid to the making of each element of the stone flower. The petals are hand-cut and sanded and all parts are hand-glued and attached to a stone pedestal. The production process is focused exclusively on manual processing in a small series of production, which puts aesthetic values ​​as a priority and a focus on design and quality versus mass production. Our flowers are made of different types of Brač stone, which also become indicators of the diverse palette of patterns and riches of the island of Brač. The author of the stone flower has a certificate of intellectual property, she was also awarded special recognition and prizes for this decorative item.
  • Modular candlesticks / Stone modular candlestick consists of several stone elements of Brač stone connected by metal parts. Internal metal rods enable the candle holder to be folded and the final appearance of the product itself to be changed. Assembled into a simple geometric shape, the candlestick contains a smaller number of candles, however, its gradual dissolution reveals new surfaces with new candles. A completely dissolved candlestick represents a richer, more irregular, and free form in space that enables the transformation of its basic shape. The guiding thought in creating this product was precisely the interactive factor that allows the user to create their own final look of the product depending on the desire or need and the possibility of constant change. The author of the modular candlestick received the first award “Tripun Bokandić” for – TRIPUN BOKANIĆ, a charter for acquiring quality marks and entering the finals of the ZGDW AWARD (Zagreb Design Week awards for product design).

Signs Originally Croatian on the products of the Jakšić Gallery emphasize innovative values, creativity, and tradition that we have always nurtured. Also, the signs Originally Croatian on our products gain additional value and thus stand out from the mass production of souvenirs in our area. Thanks to the sign, visitors are instructed in the value of an indigenous, handmade and unique stone object. The entire project is funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund – Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020

Project name: Originally Croatian label for utility, and decorative design objects made of stone

Total project value: 33,500 HRK

EU co-financed amount: HRK 33,500 (100% of eligible project costs)

Contact person for more information:
Dina Jakšić Pavasović, gallery director
mob. +385 (98) 701 903

Kameno cvijeće, izvorno hrvatsko
modularni kameni svijećnjak, izvorno hrvatsko